Bad balance of the humanity...
Man manufactures his poor to justify himself and show off his wealth... If man were sensible and worthy of good feelings, sociable, generous and understanding, there would have been no more misery and third world a long time ago...
Jealousy and money make dominance and power... The queen ant manages her anthill like man manages the world...
... a smile of deep support.
You are rich in your BEAUTIFUL human qualities.
What matters is knowledge and talent,
The appearance, the elegant aspect.
The POOR of today will be the RICH of tomorrow. They aspire to the greatest PURITY.
Let us continue to perfect ourselves in EVERY action
Without waiting for the INACCESSIBLE perfection.
I drew my strength from the SILENCE
and found hope in the depths of hearts!
Love me as you ARE...
I love you as I AM!
Your REGARDS overflow with a great GOODNESS
One day finally you will be ATTRACTED by the LIGHT.
I have LOVED the days of all seasons
and enjoyed the PRECIOUS time of lives.